I'm all for easing in gently - taking your time and getting prepared without all the hustle and bustle. Otherwise, the stress takes away from the fun that can be had.
But I have my limits!
I took this photo in ASDA on...wait for it...5th August!
That's the middle of the summer holidays - in fact, it was before we'd even been on our family summer holiday.
What's that all about?!
When do you start preparing for Chrimbo? Where is the line between getting a head start and ruining the whole season by making it last half the bloody year?
Don't be that guy, ASDA. #GetYourFestiveOn but not until your tan has faded!
#GetYourFestiveOn #PondersNeverEnd
I am always shocked at how early Christmas seems to come at the supermarkets it seems to be crazy!