Thursday, 7 February 2013

A Picture Speaks a Thousand Words...

Sarah Grimwood (c) Taken 27/07/2008 @ 16:21

They say a picture speaks a thousand welcome  to Thursday's Thousand Words!

I figured it would get boring if I just rambled away all the time so Thursdays are now photo days. Not entirely word-free, you understand.

So why this pic, you ask? Hmm... First of all, I took this photo. Secondly, I am extremely proud of it. To a proper photographer there are undoubtedly countless flaws but as a hapless amateur I have the advantage of being able to simply revel in my simple-minded appreciation of it.

One of my favourite things about this picture is all the things it doesn't tell you. Things you wouldn't even guess.
  • This was taken in the UK, despite the tropical sky in the background.
  • Nope, not Devon or some renowned beauty spot but Wythenshawe (Manchester).
  • And I didn't visit the nearest botanical gardens where dahlias like these are tended by horticultural manicurists every five minutes
  • These belong to my best friend's Mumsy who grows them on her allotment.
See, told you you'd never guess.
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