Tuesday, 4 January 2011

2011 - This is the year

Or at least it is supposed to be.

So how did this year begin? A year that felt as though it were the first spring dawn after a harsh winter. A year which brought much-anticipated hope; a release from the weights of 2010. A year in which our lives would crank up a notch - careers, family, finances. This oh-so-special year began when I fell in a river on New Year's Day whilst out hill-walking with my family and the future 'in-laws', of course. Perfect. The wonderful evening which followed involved baking my phone on a radiator until it was safe to replace the battery without fear of combustion, trying  desperately to warm my cockles (bum, legs and feet to be more anatomically precise) and wondering whether the ankle agony would keep me company throughout 2011 or was merely a house-guest for the end of the festive period.

Of course, things have improved in the last four days. The ankle has regained movement (minus the excruciating pain) however said pain seems to have stopped-off in my foot and is making itself comfortable for a longer stay than was anticipated. Bugger. And that's about it. Possibly the only silver lining so far.

Today...I returned to work after a glorious two-week break. And as if it weren't enough of a shock to the system, our inspirational, motivational, "New year, fresh opportunities"-team briefing didn't quite hit the mark. No, I exaggerate the positivity of this activity. In fact, it was atrocious. Talk about kicking you when you're not just down but already looking for that bright light and the beckoning of angels to draw you away from the horrors of reality!

No-one's allowed to be ill, need a routine medical appointment, make plans for outside of working hours (which seem to have crept up by another half an hour or so each day), have a life, family or any interests which cannot be pursued whilst also working. Lovely. The fact that half of it is blatantly in contravention of employment law isn't even the worst of it. It all seems to boil down to the fact that I have clearly, although inadvertently, signed my soul away to the Beelzebub and in so doing have taken a vow of a) no fun whatsoever, and b) only ever look after number one, screw anyone else because it is you who will receive a b***ocking if you fail to be sufficiently blood-thirsty. Happy New Year!

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